Andando el camino con una paleta de colores en la mano...

sábado, 29 de diciembre de 2007

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1 comentario:

Laura dijo...

No se como hacer mesejaes sin connectar con otro mensaje so les mando esta informacion que mande a mi grupo de estudientes. Es en Ingles y dispensen que no lo traduci

Patzin: Patli or patia (medicine in Nahuatl); tzin (honorific reference for respect worthy/venerable)
Patzin (Nahuatl for Respectful Worthy/Venerable Medicine) is a monthly edition on Indigenous medicine to Indigenous practitioners.

(Winter) Remedios for la Gripa

It's gripa time, but Mother Earth has lots of remedios naturales. Herbs strengthen the bodies’ natural immune defenses to fight viruses and bacteria. Local herbs are best, but here's a short list of easily accessible herbs. Do not take if pregnant.

Colds with runny nose or congestion -- Dr. T. Low Dog's recipe: Elderberry with Yarrow or Peppermint, equal parts.

When you are in drippy situations, making a tea of ginger, onions, garlic and a bit of cayenne or chile can help you de-congest. The taste can be overwhelming as a tea, so you can also let them sit in honey and drink spoonfuls of honey in water. Nettle is excellent for a runny nose.

Lung congestion or cough: Slippery Elm, Mullein/gordolobo, té de Rosas de Castilla soothe mucus lining of the lungs; combine with Osha root, (antiviral,) or Capulin (Wild Cherry Bark). Honey con limón soothes coughs. Coughs, sore throats and chest congestion are signs of the mucus traveling toward your lungs; Combine Slippery Elm with Elderberry receta from Dr. T. Low Dog. Aloe Vera/Savila is excellent for calming lungs: cut two inches and boil one minute in water. For chest colds, drink oregano and romero tea. Make it so strong it is bitter and add a bit of miel/organic honey.

Don Monico's receta for congested chest:
One garlic clove, one onion, a handful of Bougainvillea petals (Red or Burgunday). Boil and take the herbs and put them in a cheese cloth over your chest. Drink the tea. Put stewed fresh tomatoes over your throat or around your feet to draw out inflammation of a sore throat. Use an old soak or wrap to cover the throat.

Additional support for colds: Yerba Manzo is antiviral and works on the liver & spleen. Strengthening the liver and spleen is key because they filter toxins -- Dandelion root or leaf. Celery juice, Red Clover/trebol or Echinacia help clean out the lymphatic system after a cold, when the congestion seems to stick around. Te's de Manzanilla (Chamomile), Romero (Rosemary) and garden Sage are also anti-virals. These herbs work on certain organ-specific areas. For instance, Romero is good for a chest or head cold while Manzanilla works best on stomach flu. Thyme or Timo is an excellent antimicrobial for colds, laryngitis or bronchitis. Sun Flower bark and petals is antiviral and calming to the nerves. For colds with chills: Estafiate/Mugwort. Boraja/Borage for colds with a fever. Cut a half of a papa or an onion and put it on your window seal to absorb bacteria. Change daily. Cut up a whole garlic and cover with honey and juice of a lime. Take a teaspoon every hour. (Not for people with ulcers.)

My natural sleepy time cold remedy:
In equal parts put the following herbs in a jar: Lemon Balm or Giant Hyssop Toronjil, Verbena, Skullcap, Elderberry, Yarrow, Peppermint, Rosehips. Make a tea with two to three tablespoons in one cup boiling water. Steep 20 minutes.

Buy loose leaf herbs. Take about one tablespoon to a cup of boiling water. Steep in a covered cup or glass jar for 20-30 minutes. Many warming herbs are good against a cold, which brings frio to the body. Yerba Buena/Spearmint and Peppermint induce sweating/calms fevers.

The classic but more expensive remedio: Vitamin C and Echinacea leaf or root or Echinacea/Goldenseal. At the first sign of a cold, take 500 mg. of Vitamin C and one/ two 500 mg capsules or one teaspoon of Echinacea tincture in 1 cup water every hour in either tincture/extract or capsules. This remedio is most effective if taken within 36 hours of symptoms. If you dose hourly for two to four days, rest and change your diet, you can kick it out. Continue for three to five days with four to six doses daily. Goldenseal is a natural antibacterial. Take Goldenseal for only seven days.

Diet: Eat lots of fresh garlic and ginger or make a tea with fresh ginger (antiviral and de-congests lungs). Some varieties of chile have more Vitamin C than oranges. Avoid meats because digestion tends to get sluggish. Avoid sugars and dairy, which help viruses to propagate and increase mucus. Drink agua de cilantro to help de-congest. Save the rinds of pesticide-free citrus and set in water, providing you with natural Vitamin C and bioflavonoids. Eat sandia, melon, naranjas, pineapple, apples, grapes, aguacate and celery to naturally cleanse your system.

Laura Alonzo dé Franklin, MSW
Consejera Espiritual
(office number) 505-315-4164

"He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings in his own Self, and looks on everything with an impartial eye." -the Buddha"